Sunday, December 27, 2009

cara menghemat bahan bakar saat berkendara di perkotaan

when you ride your bike in the town, your gas maybe will be increase too much.whythat's happen because of your false riding style.If you want to make the gas of your bike more eficient, follow this tips :
1. when u ride to traffic light, if you see the timer still to far to green, slower your ride so when you almost in the traffic light, the timer of traffic light is changed to green timer, not red timer.
2.always fullfill your gas tank before you go
3.Find the space of the way so we can pass the other slow vehicle

for today, it first.Someday i will five you the other....


Tips saat memanasi motor

When u warm your motorcycle,do little turn on chuck,maybe15 degress.Warm your bike more than 5 minutes to make your bike estabilsh when you ride.when u warm up your bike, turn the trottle grip slowly, not fully turn.That's just little tips for you.


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